Christmas collection for Dille & Kamille .

Christmas Collection in three themes for Dille & Kamille with lots of beautiful candles, sweet felt pendants, table textiles and tableware, gift sets and other products to bring your home into the Christmas spirit.
Theme 1: Silent night
The Christmas decorations with the theme 'Silent Night' reflect the atmosphere of a winter night, with beautiful deep colours and bright shining starlight. From candles and candle holders to beautiful tablecloths and of course the most beautiful Christmas tree ornaments.
Theme 2: Forest Party
The cheerful Christmas theme 'Forest Party' is all about traditions and socializing. The forest animals celebrate their Christmas with music: the fox beats the drum, bear and rabbit sing Christmas songs together, the squirrel plays the harmonica and moose on the flute. Owl is a conductor and beats the beat. There are, among other things, beautiful Christmas tree ornaments, enamel tableware, sweet greeting cards and a beautiful wooden animal giftset. For the illustrations of this theme I collaborated with illustrator Eline van Lindenhuizen.
Theme 3: Berries & Delicacies
As with the Forest Party theme, everything here revolves around Christmas rituals and cosiness, and where do they come together better than at the table? During the holidays we enjoy delicious food, sparkling candles and good conversations with each other. We chose traditional Christmas colours, green twigs and warm red berries. There are attractive tablecloths, candle holders, gift wrapping paper and 4 scented candles in a beautiful giftset.