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colour .

We support brands and design departments with colour directions and tailor-made colour cards
Trend Guides CraftscuratorTrend Guides Craftscurator
Tailor-made trend books for ZiengsTailor-made trend books for Ziengs
Trends for Kid's wear magazineTrends for Kid's wear magazine
Bij Kiki kids trend booksBij Kiki kids trend books
Style guides for DymakStyle guides for Dymak
Christmas collection for Dille & KamilleChristmas collection for Dille & Kamille
Rebranding De Lichtschool and Studio ValentijnRebranding De Lichtschool and Studio Valentijn

explore our work .

Christmas collection for Dille & Kamille
Party goods collections for Didden

latest trend reports .

Kids trend book Fundamental SS22
Kids trend book Fundamental shoes SS22

what we can do for you .

trend research & trend forecasts
creative consultancy & rebranding
product design & exclusive prints

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